So Jennifer Logue invites me to join her and Domenique Profir aka Draped in Green for a night in Bryant Park to Watch Alfred Hitcock 39 Steps. Nick Sosin and I have been working hard on the official Am Media Group Website so we took a break. I am really digging these ladies, their musical talents, vibe and their wonderful energy and presence. So I sarted clicking away!! This is a great experience and more New Yorkers need to take advantage. It’s every Monday a new film in the park for the rest of the summer. I didn’t see much of the film but I got some good sleep.

Video of Draped in Green in singing in Central Park.

From 39 steps with Draped in Green

Check out their website.

From 39 steps with Draped in Green

Then Clue dude in the red shirt who Gabe hooked me up with dropped off 10,000 Business Cards! We are ready to rock and roll NYC!!!

From 39 steps with Draped in Green

Am Canon 7D – Was all over.. I can’t choose between the two so I take them both.

GrindingNYC Tip – “My Ex treated me like a pair of Jeans and got too comfortable with me so I had to get a new pair.” – Jenn Logue