So Last night I got invited to the Atlantic Loft to see Joel Klein speak. He was Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education for many years. So I got invited by Justin B. Smith who is President of Atlantic Media Company. I met him at the Bomb Magazine event at Capitale where I did some photography and produced a video which Justin loved! This got me entry into his Loft for this incredible event.
Here’s link to the video that got me access if you haven’t seen it.
Here’s an Episode of GrindingNYC showing some of the Chaos!!
Now the New York Train system was shut down and it was Chaos. I had to meet Anna Kuchma my photography sidekick at 72st and Broadway. The train was out of service (Frowny Face) But lucky there is phone service in both 96st and 72st train station. I didn’t know that until yesterday! Then I bump into Destiny Lilly! She’s a casting director and been a huge inspiration for me! Amongst other things I can tell you she’s an angel!
She told me the best news on how she follows my twitter! I was super excited to know because she’s not easily impressed. So she made my day at that point and I was happy for the train stalling because it allowed me to bump into her. See everything happens for a reason! I have learned not to stress out over anything especially things I have no control over.
So catching a cab in New York City is an art I did not master yet. It took me a while but I finally flag one down. The Dinner started at 7pm and it was now 7:15 (Another Frowny Face) So we pick up Anna Kuchma and she hops in with another lady with her to split the cab.
This lady was freaking out she was late as well. The whole city was now falling behind schedule and that’s
when it dawned on me. “Everybody in New York City is important” I mean everybody in this world is but like we all had important ish to do!
Anyway we make it into this Conversation right in the middle of Joel Klein talking. Now imagine this tall black dude with an Easy Mac hat on walking in with this hott Russian Girl. We both look like we don’t belong but yet we do at the same time. Now some of the most important people in New York City no in fact the WORLD! Are watching looking a bit disturbed at first then I charmed them with a (BIG SMILEY FACE)
This is a video of the highlights of the night!
All eyes were on us. I just pulled out the camera and started to do my business. I mean it was very intense in there though. These people are really serious and were so engaged like it felt uncomfortable to even breathe too hard. I mean there was dead silence and everybody was locked into Joel Klein.
Joel Klein pointed out how America needs to step up it’s education system and how we are falling behind!
So anyway I asked Joel a question. What would make him smile for 2012 and he said and I quote “He said looking at my camera” Yay!!!!
Then the vigilante I am, Anna and I decide to do a little photo shoot in the loft and we had fun with it. After meeting all the important people we finally ate. The food was amazing! And then we left and I was giving some good news. We will see what happens NEXT!!! Stay tuned!!
Here’s a link to Joel Klein wikipedia
Unsung hero of the day – The blonde girl who had to change the cardboard for the presentation! It is a difficult job and harder than it looks. All eyes were on her and I commended her on the job well done. She said could you imagine if one of those boards just feel and hit Joel in the head or something. People just don’t realize!
GrindingNYC tip – Do not get distracted! At a networking event that serves free food and drinks! Do not partake until you met with all the important contacts. – Am