My Mothers church is not my first choice of churches I would go to but I do love it there. I realized this Sunday that church is a great place to learn discipline, I mean with all the beautiful women dress up and such you just don’t feel right staring too long or think inappropriate thoughts. Just being honest!
Must admit a few times I had to slap myself on my wrist but for the most part I was good. At the end of the day I only have eyes for one anyway…
It was a day off key singing by the men of the church. But I am on a mission to think positive all the time no matter what!! So Instead of focusing on that I appreciated the fact these men who couldn’t really sing where pouring their hearts out for their Mothers!! When you love someone you have to look passed yourself!
I started to feel restless so I started tweeting on my Iphone with the cracked screen and taking pictures. They did such a nice service for the mothers!! The mothers were giving crochets, gift bags, etc. The service spoke of a women assets which I can’t argue with! I decided to grab the mic and let the Church know how appreciative I was for my mother!! It’s not a day that passes that she does not get complimented for the great job she has done.
Apparently my sister Rodina was approached about me a few times and she became my agent. She said she will be accepting applications for September when I am officially on the market lol! Those are her words. Anyway If you don’t know I am taken a year off girls which means dating and sex. The plan is to actually stay single and celibate until marriage. So far so good it will be 2 years in august since I threw my player cards in but that’s a whole different story. I am not really looking for love because when you look for love with in yourself Love finds you. Mothers Day was amazing this year!
GrindingNYC Tip – “Behind every great man is a great woman” Thats so true!!! You are testament to that…